a portfolio is a collection of pictures of your workWhat does it mean when you have to do a portfoilio if your a designer or make-up artist?
Find a best photographer possible, let him make pictures of your works. The one who alerady worked with order like this is preferable, but if you can't locate such, then go the ';try and error'; way.
it's all about the photgraphs
that mean u have to have pictures of work that u did like if ur a designer show the sketches and end result of ur project
If you have to ask, then you don't need one.
You need to have a presentation binder or some type of ';visible book of samples'; that shows what you have done. It may be easier to take photos of different styles, or looks you have created and place in a presntation binder -- you can get them at Kinkos or any office supply store.
Also, in your port, you'll need extra copies of your resume and if possible, samples of your work you can leave with the people you interview.
I think, it's best to get a Web site or a blog, with photos and brief explainations of your work and how you created everything. That way when you send a resume via e-mail, you can refer the interviewer to the site before taking time out of both your and their busy time.
I'm in PR and I have a site online. It's old and needs serious updates, but it helped when I couldnt snail mail samples.
Good luck!
You need to have a profile full of pictures of some of your best work. Think of including pictures of '; Before and After';. This is useful tool in gaining a prospective employee's or clients respect. A picture says it all, you know?
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